4 Ways to Boost Your Inner Beauty

Confidence isn’t always about having a great personality, knowing stuff, being good at work, but it has a lot to do with your wardrobe choices as well – not to mention your manicure with the amazing range of LDS dip powder color. Everything matters, so there is nothing wrong with going all-in when it comes to styling for one’s everyday look.

4 Ways to Boost Your Inner Fashionista

If you are thinking about what you could do to look stylish, hip, and confident, we have gathered a list for you that will steer your inner fashionista in the right direction.

4 Ways to Boost Your Inner Beauty

Establish Your Capsule Wardrobe

Having a capsule wardrobe is all about your intentions – it might take some time to build, but, in the end, it’s all worth it – you will never have to worry each morning about which clothes to wear for the day as your well-curated selection of clothes will be ready for you to wear.

Ideally, your capsule wardrobe should comprise a selection of staples – perfect jeans that fit you well, simple t-shirts, a mini black dress (very iconic), a denim jacket, a leather jacket, an iconic skirt, and some button-downs.

The essential benefit of investing your time and effort in establishing your capsule wardrobe is that these are a collection of classics and contemporary – nothing can ever get out of style with these by your side.

Pro Tip: make sure that all your clothes fit perfectly – if you don’t find clothes of your size, you might want to go the extra mile and have them tailored. You will feel a massive difference with tailored clothing – they will fit you perfectly and feel confident and comfy. Avoid wearing oversized and undersized clothes as these make you appear the exact opposite of fashionable and hip.

Focus on Aesthetics

You know that a good fashion sense is pleasing to the eyes – not only your eyes but also the eyes of the onlookers. You ought to learn how to style and balance your clothing pieces to strike the best aesthetic harmony. Firstly, according to your body shape, you must understand what suits you and what doesn’t suit you.

Trust us – not all clothes are for everyone. Nonetheless, coming down to the aesthetics and perfect balance, you can mix and match. For instance, if you want to wear an oversized blazer, make sure that you match it with fitted bottoms to strike the perfect aesthetic harmony.

If one proportion is fitted, you can loosen up the other proportion – as long as you keep striking a balanced proportion, you will be exuding a strong sense of fashion.

Explore Your Personal Style

Instead of copying fashion gurus haphazardly, we strongly recommend exploring, developing, and establishing your personal fashion style. Developing your personal style can take a few years to develop, and you will have to do loads of experiments to get there!

You never know what will look bomb on you until you try it on. If you are afraid to hit the dressing rooms on your own, you can always take your besties with you and have their honest opinion about how things look on you. And there are no set boundaries when it comes to finding one’s personal style – you can explore the sections of menswear and womenswear – also, don’t forget to go all-in with your nails.

Your nails as the extension of your wardrobe – try out the best LDS nails and see the countless compliments that you will get as everyone will ask you from where you got your nails done. Take your time whilst playing with colors, apparel, and accessories.

When it comes to accessories, don’t forget the belt. You might not know that a belt can do the trick to strike the perfect harmony to your outfit by making you appear well put together. If you ever run out of ideas for the perfect accessory, throw in a belt, and see how it works out for you.

Mix & Match Patterns

Gone are the days when you used to match your handbag with your shoes – now, there is more to it. By adding patterns, you will take the dressing game a notch higher. You can make a bold fashion statement by matching and mixing patterns – you might want to start with low-key clothing textures, such as woolen knit, leather, and sequins.

You can go all-in with different-textured scarves, ties, and bags – in the end, it all comes down to choosing your personal style and whatever makes your outfit pop. While experimenting with different textures and patterns, you might also want to play with colors.

If you have never experimented with color before, you may try out one color at a time while keeping the remaining look neutral. With time, you will get comfortable with different colors. Besides, you will also learn to mix and match different colors. It would also be a great idea to understand the psychology of each color to understand how different colors impact your emotions.

Final Thoughts

All fashionistas know who they are and what makes them feel good. Your clothes represent everything about you – including your LDS dip nails, your accessories, and the confidence with which you carry yourself. Your clothing choices reflect your personality, and when you feel good about yourself, you exude confidence.